Eliment FitLax 的夥伴都充滿熱誠及十分積極,我們每一位都熱愛自己的工作,並在這裡找到屬於自己的發展方向。為配合公司發展,我們於銅鑼灣及北角分店目前正招聘以下職位:
- 熱愛運動、態度友善、有活力
- 無需銷售、只重視訓練質素
- 靈活工作時間安排,完善在職培訓,良好晉升機會
有意者請電郵履歷至info@elimentfitlax.com,或致電2343 2369查詢。
Eliment FitLax 的夥伴都充滿熱誠及十分積極,我們每一位都熱愛自己的工作,並在這裡找到屬於自己的發展方向。為配合公司發展,我們於銅鑼灣及北角分店目前正招聘以下職位:
有意者請電郵履歷至info@elimentfitlax.com,或致電2343 2369查詢。
運動行業被視為未來十年的明星產業,亞洲運動及體適能專業學院(AASFP)成立26年以來,為體適能行業培育不少精英,近六成認證教練於AASFP畢業*。學院期望通過 #AA招聘站,幫助有意成為私人教練的求職人士「搵好工,玩住IN」!
Eliment FitLax 於北角開設全新中心,是全港首間採用 ICG Coach by Color 團體單車訓練系統的健身中心。為配合公司業務的高速發展,Eliment FitLax招聘6位私人教練,並全資修讀AASFP之高級私人體適能教練證書(綜合)證書課程(價值$11,900港元)*!如成功獲聘者已修讀上述課程,將分階段獲得進修資助(合共$10,000港元),機會難逢,好動、熱情及積極的你妳您,萬勿錯過!
*數據來源: 《香港健身Guide2018》調查報告
**數據來源: 《香港健身Guide2018》調查報告
-Ensure clients enjoy a positive and inspiring workout experience every time they train at Eliment FitLax
-Develop and identify new sales and personal training opportunities
-Provide qualify service to existing and potential customers
-Maintain client assessment and programme information for follow up and review as necessary
-Maintain safe, tidy gym environment at all times
-NASM & AASFP Certification or equivalent qualification
-CPR / First Aid Certificate holder is an advantage
-Passion for health and fitness with exceptional inter-personal skills
-Self-motivated and outgoing personality
-Possess good communication skills
-Position and remuneration offered will be assessed based on applicant’s qualification and industry experience
We provide continuous training on fitness knowledge and techniques. Our remuneration is attractive and working environment is pleasant.
Please send your detailed resume and stating your availability, current and expected salary to hr@elimentfitlax.com
For further enquiries, please call 23432369 or Whatsapp/WeChat to 66800056.
– To enrol new members and assist on company promotions and activities.
– Provide excellent customer service and maintain relationships with members.
– Meet company service and sales requirement.
– Assist on prospects or members inquiries.
-Excellent presentation techniques.
-Self-disciplined and able to work independently
-Self-motivated, and result-oriented
-Able to work under pressure
-Fluent English or Mandarin will be an advantage.
We provide training on customer service, sales and fitness foundation knowledge. Our remuneration is attractive and working environment is pleasant.
Please send your detailed resume and stating your availability, current and expected salary to hr@elimentfitlax.com For further enquiries, please call 23432369 or Whatsapp/WeChat to 66800056.